Sunday, August 28, 2011

What are these?

A) What are these reddish fruits?
B) What are these fish doing?

C) What is this fruit?
D) What do I use this for?

E) What is the English name for this fruit?


LaraB said...

1. dragon fruit
2. fish pedicure (couldn't do it! i'd freak out.)
3. star fruit or carembola (spelling??)
4. to reach things?! (being short, that's what i'd use it for! ;) )
5. lychee

what do i win? :)


Jules said...

a) not sure, but So pretty!
b) not sure, but it looks like it tickles!
c) star fruit - YUM!
d) fruit picker
e) kumkwait....?

Love all the picks Rivers and so good to hear that you are having fun after work:) And, you have become an adventurous eater! Sorry to hear about the classroom least you have had some experience with that before!
Things are good here and all family and friends made it through Hurricane Irene. We built a 700+ Lego police station yesterday ......whew.....our biggest one yet!

Anonymous said...

Well done! #4 is used for lifting my laundry on hangers up to these poles on the ceiling so the clothes can dry!
You win dinner on me in Singapore! Hope you can make it!!!!!


LaraB said...

i might just hold you to it!! ;)