Saturday, February 19, 2011

Singapore vs. Greece

SINGAPORE VS. GREECE - This is just what I have heard, experienced or read.


1. Smoking is not permitted in public service vehicles, elevators, theaters, cinemas, air-conditioned restaurants, hair salons, supermarkets, department stores and government offices. Tough fines for offenders.

2. Other civil fines include jaywalking, urinating in an elevator, littering, not flushing the toilet in a public bathroom and chewing gum!

3. Toilets – there are some western toilets and a lot of holes in the ground. Usually if a Singaporean uses a western toilet they stand on the seat and squat.

4. Alcohol: Alcohol is VERY expensive. A liter of alcohol is about $54 USD, wine is about $30 USD a bottle. You can bring it in with you but not from Malaysia.

5. Air-conditioning: It is a must! If you don’t run your AC your clothes and books will mold!

6. Climate: 30 degrees C (88 degrees F) at least EVERY DAY! Humidity 100%

7. Sun: it rises at 7am and sets at 7pm EVERY DAY

8. Singaporeans don’t know about personal space.

9. On the MRT (metro) it is silent – no one talks, using the cell phone is not allowed. It is very efficient. MRT never is on strike.

10. Water is absolutely fine to drink.

11. Medical facilities and doctors are top-notched. Medicines easily accessible.

12. Clothing: will hardly even want to pull on a pair of jeans! Loose cotton clothing.

13. Travel: Numerous travel opportunities and easy to leave Singapore by ferry or plane.

14. Dating: Many dating possibilities – organized activities for expats on weekends like Dragon Boat racing and Hashing.

15. Nightlife: supposedly a little more relaxed – outings are more like 8-9pm

16. Sports: Many clubs and organizations – tennis, golf, kayaking, hiking, bowling

17. Time Difference from EST – 13 hours ahead

18. Language: ENGLISH

1. Smoking is not permitted in any of those places either but nothing is done about it and everyone smokes anyway!

2. No laws against these items and litter is everywhere.

3. No toilet paper allowed in the toilets.

4. Alcohol is very cheap.

5. AC: Good to have, but not necessary!

6. Climate – dry heat, 2 distinctive season

7. Does participate in Daylight Savings

8. Greeks don’t know about personal space.

9. Metro is not silent but it is efficient when they are running.  However, especially this year metro strikes often.

10. Water is absolutely fine to drink.

11. Medical facilities seem clean – have limited experience. Medicines cheap and easily accessible.

12: Clothing: Coats to rain boots to mittens to scarves to sandals and sundresses.

13. Travel: Not as easy as we thought to get out of Greece… but plenty of islands and gorgeous water to swim in.

14. Dating: Non existent here. (my opinion)

15. Nightlife: Clubbing beginning at midnight…
16. Sports – 3 cement tennis courts at school, limited time available

17. Time Difference from EST – 7 hours ahead

18: Language: Greek