Sunday, July 31, 2011

Some thoughts after 48 hours in new apt!

Some thoughts….
I have made a pretty big dent in finding places for all my things.  I still need to work on the clothes and my bathroom.  Though I just bought a curtain rod for my bathroom and hung up my curtains.  I had the liner and curtain and curtain hooks, just lacked the rod.  My guest bathroom is finished – the color theme is blue with rocks!  The kitchen is finished and groceries have been purchased and my Kate Libby calendar is now hung up on the wall.
Coincidentally the floors of my place are the exact same as Greece.  Living/dining room – marble, kitchen and bathrooms – tiles and bedrooms  - wood!  I thought that was kind of odd.  I have arranged the minimal furniture in the living room and dining room to where I prefer it.  I still need to figure out where my photos are going to go.

Dorthe, Bruce and I ventured on the bus to the grocery store today; which obviously took less time.  We went to Fair Price rather than Cold Storage which I went to yesterday and I have decided Fair Price is the better grocery store; better by merchandise, prices and variety. 

Ok – so Fair Price is attached to a small mall and as I was walking around things looked familiar.  I then realized this was the mall that Dorthe, Bruce and I ended up in after we opened our bank accounts the first day!  Wow – that seemed so far away.  In this mall called Bukit Batok Plaza there is a store I would say reminds me of a Bruce’s Variety Store in Bethesda.  Though it doesn’t have everything… it seems to have everything I need that has to do with domestic chores…and this is where I bought my curtain rod!

There is someone on my floor who plays the piano and thankfully well because they practice daily for a good hour!  There are many kids in my apartment complex – actually there are many kids in Singapore, period.
Whenever someone calls the elevator from whichever floor it ding-dongs – even if it is not coming to this floor.  This is somewhat annoying.

Though I enjoy my air conditioning, I miss not having a ceiling fan.  My throat hurts in the morning from the dry air.  And again even though I like the cool air I miss the breeze.  Maybe I will attempt not to sleep with the A/C on tonight and sees what happens.
It is the first day of work tomorrow – August 1!  Luckily work (right now) is only a 10 minute walk down the street!
And JT if you are reading this, this font is for you!!!! 

1 comment:

LaraB said...

Glad to hear you're all settled in! Good luck with first day of school.


p.s. This is the worst font. Ever. ;)