Friday, September 3, 2010

Beginning of Year 3....

I have been back in Athens for just about 2 weeks now.  So what have I been up to?

I've been to the beach twice.  The Confers and I went to our regular beach the evening of August 25th as it was the night of the full moon.  Full moons are big events for the Greeks and many of the monuments are open to the public to view the moon.  So we went to Souniou (Temple of Posideon).  It was a gorgeous night and we watched the sun set in the west and watched the moon rise above the water!
Then I went to the beach with Julia (who works at the Benetton store at the bottom of my building) and her 26 year old daughter and 91 year old grandmother (YaYa).  I don't know what I was thinking of not bringing my camera!!!!!  It was gorgeous - the water looked like island water - you looked up and saw brown rock then green trees then the blue sky.  It was a rock "beach".

I have established 2 definite clients.  I am meeting a potential client this afternoon.  And here's hoping more come my way!  I have had many calls for me to spend time with children under 4 years old for quite a few hours a day - but I consider that nannying and that is not what I want to do!  Other than that, I have been hanging out with friends, reading, cooking a lot!  Today was the first day of school for ACS children and it was my first day back to the gym!

Tonight I am going to see U2 in concert here in Athens.  I am so excited!

And then tomorrow morning (Saturday) 13.5 of us are going to meet at the airport, pick up the 3 rental cars and drive to the island of Evia - it is the second largest island and one I have not been to yet.  A friend Mary has a place there - like a camping grounds and so we are all going to go there. The Confers and I, Lacey, Christy, Eli and Therese (the oldies but goodies gang) and 6 of the newbies.  It will be great to get to know each other and spend time with Americans this Labor Day weekend!  So stay tuned for a new blog.....

Happy Labor (Labour) Day to everyone in North America!

1 comment:

Annie said...

It sounds just ideal. How is the feeling in Athens? I always find it strange to go back there at the close of summer, when it is still too hot and people are feeling angry. I always feel like I come along with a fresh perspective and energy that those that have been there are not yet able to muster.