Monday, January 11, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

So I am thinking if I officially post my New Year's Resolutions, I may be more able to keep them!

#1 Return emails. I know this has been a problem! But let me first state that when I write emails I put effort into them. They are more like a note/letter format than just answering a question. So I have decided that I will respond to everyone's emails within 24 hours of me reading them. (You may ask yourself, how will you know I have read it within the 24 hours? Unless I am travelling to a remote place, I am online checking my emails before school, sometimes at school and most evenings). But let me preference my future emails - I may not write a lot, I may just answer your question. And then later I may write another email in form of the letter.

#2 Don't waste food. Plan and prepare. I like to go to my fruits and vegetables market up the street. I like to buy a variety of produce, but what happens is, some of the vegetables usually get thrown out because I bought them on a whim and they didn't really go with anything I was eating. Or I buy them to go with a recipe and then I can't find all the other ingredients at the grocery store and then end up not making the recipe. I already go to the grocery store about 3 times a week so I need to be more planful with actual recipes I know I can get all the ingredients for.

#3 Use bags. I have so many reusable bags and I do believe I am quite good with having them on me and using them especially at the grocery store. But I still come home with bags. I would love it if all of Greece used reusable bags more but I will start with me!

So there you have it. Three resolutions I believe I can keep. Notice I don't have exercise more and diet - I know myself. I will try but those are yo-yo resolutions. These three are ones I can have success with doing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jill,

Hope you are doing well with your New Year resolutions.
I only thought about mine but have already broken all of them !!!!!

Love Helen