Thursday, September 3, 2009

First Day of School in year 2

Today was the first day of school. Last week I had popped into school to show Suzanne around and picked up my class list (as far). 14 children - 7 boys and 7 girls! I thought great this is what I need from last year's 25 kids. Today was the first day of school - I have 21 students - 12 boys and 9 girls. There are almost 200 new students in the entire school.

Most of the newly added students are Greek children whose English language is very minimal. It really makes me upset and frustrated for the school to accept children with little to no proficiency in English - the native 100% Greek children have schools to go to. What about the foreign children or the Greek/another nationality students? They have limited schools to choose from. It isn't fair to the other students to keep packing in these children - it's not fair to us teachers. We have limited spaces, we don't have enough desks - to provide a good education (which parents are paying for) and to really help the students and provide more one-on-one help is very difficult to do with so many students. I feel badly for the non-native Greek families and children.

But as my friend says - nothing I can do about so just smile and teach!


Anonymous said...

It must be difficult to be back at work after such a fabulous summer !!!!!!!
Love Helen and Charles

Anonymous said...

Hi Jill,

Sorry to hear about this very frustrating situation. You are a great teacher and will rise to the challenge. Before you know it, you won't be able to tell the native Greek speakers from the English! Best of luck with your new school year!


Dad said...

How about this view...

pre-school... 14 children would be better off with you as their teacher, actual school.. 21 Greeks and Americans will be the best

I know that does not make the job ahead any easier, but you are the best and they will be the beneficiaries of your patience, compassion, kindness, love, and enthusiasm.

Enjoy the Moment, keep smiling, and think of your Dad who has just been told he is teaching "ADVANCED" English to his new Hispanic class...What do I do????
