Sunday, November 8, 2009

Athens Classic Marathon - 5 km

Despite the wet, wet weather - many people (supposedly 10,600 people registered) showed up for the 27th Athens Classic Marathon. We met at the Marble Stadium (Panathenaic Stadium) downtown in Athens. There were many ACS participants from friends, colleagues, parents and students. Our ACS team of about 120 were running for PNOE - an organization in which my friend Dave supports and he was the leader of our ACS team. PNOE supports families with children who are being treated in the Intesive Care unit. The true marathoners began at Marathon Tomb (42, 195 km from the Marble Stadium).
The rain didn't really let up until the end (my end). Even before we began, our group got split up - so luckily my good friend Kate and I travelled together! We were definitely at the end of the pack at the starting line, however, passed many walkers and finished our 5 km - quite wet in 47 mins 27 secs.

We definitely ran our last bout as you end running into the Marble Stadium with people cheering you on - that was quite an incredible feeling. Everyone gets medal at the end too!

We stuck around to see the first few marathon runners cross the finish line in about 2 hours and 15 mins! Then we went and ate at the Hard Rock Cafe. On my bus ride home I saw many marathoners still running the race - they had about 8 km to go from my neighborhood. I saw many Canadians running - it was neat to cheer them on in English and they all sort of did a double take yet appreciated the cheering. One guy stopped to take a photo of the church in my square and I asked him where in Canada is he from and he responded Thunder Bay - ever heard of it? Of course I told him my good friends went to Lakehead and I had climbed the mountain - Sleeping Giant!
It was a great day of achievements. It was pretty cool to participate in a marathon (although only 5 km of it) in Athens, Greece.

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