Sunday, October 18, 2009

a few observations about ME

a few observations I know about myself but have really surfaced in the past couple of weeks:

I cannot hammer a nail into the wall straight.

I love the tool the leveler!

I love toast (just picked up my friend's toaster).

I really think I have ADD - I go get smething for the task I am doing and 30 minutes later I wonder why did I come in here - oh ya to do that other task. Therefore I begin many tasks and never seem to finish one of them!

If I buy produce, I really need to use it/eat it within a few days because then I cannot recognize what I bought a week later and I have wasted money.

I love the iPod shuffle option - it always plays songs relating your mood.

Although my mother tried so hard to make me plan ahead and finish projects ahead of time, it didn't seem to stick with me - I am an eleventh hour person!

I just learned from a friend that my messy desk (and other messy things I leave messy) is due to time management problems.

It takes no time for my place to get messy but takes a hell of a long time to clean it up!

All for now - Halloween party this Saturday so definitely a new posting soon!!!!!

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