Thursday, March 24, 2016

Jaipur - Holi Day

March 24 - Holi Day

After breakfast we got into the traditional white pants and tunic. On the front lawn of the hotel we all participated with other guests the throwing of the coloured powder.  Bright colours like yellow, green, red, purple, pink. It was in our hair, ears, all over our face, down our shirts. there were musicians playing and dancers.

Holi is the Hindu festival that welcomes the Spring and celebrates the new life and energy of the season. Although Holi has religious roots, not much religious activity is involved in its celebration.

Holi is the most energetic Indian festival, filled with fun and good humour; even the strict rules of separation between castes are abandoned.
Holi is also called 'The Festival of Colours', and people celebrate the festival by smearing each other with paint, and throwing coloured powder and dye around in an atmosphere of great good humour.

Holi in Brief

  • A spring festival, usually celebrated in March
  • Holi also celebrates Krishna, and the legend of Holika and Prahalad
  • Holi is particularly celebrated in North India
  • Although Holi has religious roots there are few religious things to do
  • Distinctions of caste, class, age, and gender are suspended during Holi
  • A very exuberant festival, with dancing, singing, and throwing of paint
  • Holi features gender rivalry, with contests between men and women, and public flirting
  • Bonfires are lit during Holi, and food offerings are roasted
  • The festival is officially celebrated on the day after full moon during the month of Phalunga, which falls in February-March (Taken from BBC)

All clean and "innocent"

Blurry due to my camera was in a plastic bag


Then we took tuk-tuks to a park where they was the a huge Holi party. It was a huge area with a stage and loud music and everyone was just dancing. There were locals but a whole lot of tourists. 
We returned to our hotel and had beers on the roof and then we thought we had better go and attempt to get all the dye off us. This was a harder task than first expected. My torso front and back was the worse and my blond part of my hair. Still 3 days later not a lot of difference. I really don't like brown and pink hair. 

at a park - dancing to music - huge party

Javed and Jill

Dinner at lovely restaurant called Forrestra.   I would highly recommend this restaurant. 

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