Monday, January 24, 2011

Happy New Year to you and me! - London Trip....


Tower of London


Okay, yes I am a little late on the postings but it has been a busy 2011 of researching, preparing and  interviewing for international jobs for this coming school year. I attended the same job recruitment fair as I did last year in London, UK. However this year my friend from Maryland Chris joined me there for a mini vacation as well. We arrived on Thursday morning successfully met in the airport and travelled to downtown London together to our hotel; a great bed and breakfast in the Marble Arch area (Hart House Hotel). We basically stuck around that area on Thursday. Friday we went to the Tower of London which I had never been to before and spent a good 4 hours touring around there. It was a beautiful day, for London in January!

Saturday and Sunday – see Job Fair blog.

Fortunately for Chris, Sunday’s night dinner at Gordon Ramsey’s Claridges restaurant was one of celebration. It was a fantastic six course dinner.

On the London Eye
Monday, we headed down to the other side of the Thames River to ride the London Eye. Again we had pretty good weather and no lines. We could see so much of London from our high advantage points – 30 minutes was definitely enough time on it. Chris and I seemed to tackle the criss-crossing of paths of the tube. Though I did feel like we were little rats going from one platform to the next as the walkways/tunnels had low ceilings – it felt like a rat in a maze! Monday evening we went and saw Wicked. We had great seats in the balcony. I loved the costumes and the set and the story line (I had read the book but the theme of the story was nice to hear again. I just wasn’t too keen on the songs – there was only one song I recognized but all the others didn’t really have a catchy beat to them that you would want to tap your foot to or sing along.

I had a "Wicked" good time!
Tuesday morning took the taxi to the airport and we both had smooth, uneventful rides home! And we both went right off to work!

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